Welcome to Ankeny Cold Storage.
Ankeny Cold Storage, located in Ankeny Iowa, was established in 2003 as an independently
owned full service refrigerated warehouse. ACS, with over 115 years of combined experience in
warehouse operations, is comitted to providing your cold storage solutions.
Services offered include:
- Distribution Services
- Export Services
- Inbound and Outbound Loading
- Refrigeration Services
- Freezing Services
- Samples Packaging
- Product Tempering
- Product reboxing and relabeling
- Online Inventory
For information on how Ankeny Cold Storage can provide your cold storage solutions
contact us at: 515-964-2354 between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm.
For information on how Ankeny Cold Storage can provide your product processing needs
contact Butch at: 515-964-2354 between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm.
Thank You for choosing Ankeny Cold Storage